*The importance of being close! This past weekend, the first weekend in May- I attended a family function in New York. Now, I travel to...
Sheltered Child Syndrome: Pits & Perks
Now, as much as I complain about my parents, they aren’t all bad. At 24 years old- I have a roof over my head, I don’t have to pay rent...
Spring Cleaning: Life Edition, Pt. 2
In my previous post, I wrote about spring cleaning my bedroom. It wasn’t simply about the dust bunnies and piles of clothes and books- it...
Spring Cleaning: Life Edition, Pt.1
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post titled, "When It’s Time to Let Go." I had written about my experience with my ex-boyfriend who is also a...
Who You Are!
“Brown skin, You know I love your brown skin. I can’t tell where yours begins- I can’t tell where mine ends..." - India Arie, Brown Skin...
Adult Children and Parental RESPECT!
Let me start by saying this: For as long as I can remember, I have always been very passive. It wasn’t and isn’t the most constructive...
It’s the monster in the closet, the boogey-man under your bed, heights, public speaking, and whatever other rational or irrational idea...
Desire vs. Jealousy vs. Necessity
Hello again my BEAUTIFUL readers! Feelings of desire, jealousy, and necessity are so common- they are borderline basic. We all want...
When it's Time to "Let It Go!"
Before we begin, let’s set the scene: You are in a gondola, drifting down the scenic route of the Seine River through the heart of Paris-...