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Sheltered Child Syndrome: Pits & Perks


Now, as much as I complain about my parents, they aren’t all bad. At 24 years old- I have a roof over my head, I don’t have to pay rent or any bills that aren’t mines personally, food is always available, and I have either parents’ cars to borrow when I need them... I’m actually sitting very pretty and I have it made. In comparison to other people my age that got the boot as soon as they were legal adult-age, my parents balk at the idea of ever getting rid of me. They would love if I stayed home until I died. And that is essentially the problem!

For those who know me personally know what most often than not I am ready to rip my hair out from stress. Stress that’s caused by my parents coddling. If you do not know me personally and feel as though I am just being an ungrateful brat- hear me out. I’ll give you an example of how my life is set up: When I was 17, I finally got my first job. Now, I didnt want the job for money- I live in a two- parent household with both parents working 9-5's. Okay, more like 7a-3p and 3p- 3am's- but I digress. I got a job because I wanted to get away from home. Money was irrelevant. Getting out of the house was the most important goal. Here is where the bullshit starts. My mother offered to pay me more than what I was getting at my job in order for me to stay home... Yes, I am serious. She was concerned about my safety... my logic and rebuttal has always been: She lets me go to school filled with crazy teenagers but a job in a nursing home serving old people dinner was dangerous. What was the worst that could happen? Getting stabbed with a spoon?

Things like that have been going on my entire life. Got worse when I hit puberty. I guess that part is normal. I grew boobs and boys grew eyeballs. Not the point. Because of her intense fear of her children, mostly me, getting hurt or her general aura of paranoia- I feel as though I am not prepared for life.

In one of my previous post, I ranted on about wanting a penthouse apartment. Now the penthouse is debatable, but the idea is that I want to move out because I need to grow up! I need to learn to manage my finances without having to run to mommy and daddy when I go broke at least once a year. I need to learn that when a fuse goes out all I need to do is go to the basement and flip the switch on the fuse box. (Look at the flick of wrist. Lol) I need to learn that if I only cook rich Italian food, I will die of cholesterol poisoning- if that’s even a thing. Basically, I need to learn to be a functioning and independent adult who has control and order over her life.

With that being said, my life isn’t particularly cooperating with my ideas of living at the moment, so I happy to be home with a roof over my head, food on the table, and parents who won’t let me live. When I’m ready to fly solo, I will and they will have no other choice but to believe that they actually did a great job raising me (contrary to their beliefs of my capabilities). Their methods might irk my soul to its very core, but the upside is- I’ve never been in trouble with the law, besides school finances- I am not in debt, and because I live at home- I have been able to afford to travel to wherever I want to. So it’s not all bad.

So here’s an ode to all he sheltered children wanting and waiting to break free from the nest: Remember, there is always more money and time to pursue things, like travel, because we only have to be 90% adult. And that right there is the beauty of life. That shit is too hard and we have an eternal back-up plan!! Lol

As always, stay BEAUTIFUL inside, outside, sideways, and always!

© 2015 by So Fabulously Curved.

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